pluto prompt

Why I am against Pluto being a Planet P.A.P

By: Wells Moffitt

Have you ever heard of Pluto being a planet probably not? In the two stories that I read which are “What is a Planet” by: NASA and “When is a Planet Not a Planet” by: Daniel Santos. Because of these stories I strongly believe that I am against Pluto being a planet because they persuaded my opinion to be that way. The controversial ideas between, my two paragraphs are that Pluto doesn’t meet the third criteria in being a planet and Pluto has an altered orbit going around the sun. In these two paragraphs I will talk about the differences that Pluto has from the other planets In the Milky way galaxy.

I strongly believe that Pluto shouldn’t be a planet because Pluto according to the IAU follows 2 out of the 3 requirements in the rules of being a planet. Pluto does not follow the third rule in the rules to be a planet in my source it stated that the third rule said that all objects in the planets neighborhood (area around a planet) which Pluto does not follow there are still things in the dwarf planets (planet that does not follow the rules of the planet) area around it. This is one of the reasons why I think Pluto shouldn’t be a planet and, should be kept a dwarf planet. The next paragraph will tell you that Pluto’s orbit is different from the rest of the other planets orbits.

Pluto has a slightly different orbit (the way the planet goes around the sun) than all the rest of the planets. From my source it said that scientists discovered that Pluto has a slightly different orbit than the other planets on the Milky Way (A solar system that I live on). Pluto also coincides (to overlap something in some things area around it) with Uranus so it does not successfully do that either. This is another reason why I think Pluto shouldn’t be a planet and be kept the same as a dwarf planet. Here is my last paragraph (the closing opinion).

In conclusion this is why Pluto shouldn’t be a planet because Pluto doesn’t meet the third criteria and Pluto also has a horrible orbit. I found my information about these two topics from “What is a Planet” by: NASA and, “When is a Planet Not a Planet” by: Daniel Santos. The IAU said that Pluto was going to be a dwarf planet in 2006.


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